Wednesday, March 22, 2023

My So-Called Disorder On Sale Now

If you like this blog I encourage you to buy a copy of my book My So-Called Disorder: Autism, Exploding Trucks, and the Big Daddy of Rock and Roll, available now on Amazon and other online retailers. The back cover tells you a lot about it, and includes a testimonial from Chuck Berry scholar Fred Rothwell, author of Long Distance Information--Chuck Berry's Recorded Legacy.

You've probably seen television shows where the autistic kid knows all about bugs or the Antarctic. For me when I was fourteen, it was Chuck Berry. And we're talking more than 50 years ago, long before the internet, and 50 years before I knew I was autistic.

Spoiler alert: the book features stories and material you may have read here. But it also tells how I used my autistic ability to form "special interests" into a successful career on my own, somewhat odd and flexible terms.

If you happen to be autistic, or if you love or work with someone who is, it might be interesting and worth a read.

And I'll sell it to you for fifty thousand dollars! (the low, low price of $19.95!

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