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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chuck on BBC: Enjoy it While it Lasts

Thank Doug for this one!  (And if you like it [you will] check out what he did 16 years later, right above this post.)  (You might have to click on the masthead to find it.)


  1. Pete:

    You might be interested to know that Chuck watched his version of "Carol" from this show last week on my iPad before the show in Easton PA!!! Chuck was digging the iPad...says he's gonna get one with 3G...

    Bob Lohr

  2. Bob--

    As you once pointed out, that version of Carol, this version, is as good as it gets. It is perfection.

  3. Thanks Bob for sharing that, cool !!
    Doug, aka - Busseybootlegger

  4. JUMPIN!!!!!!

  5. Danny-- It's the best. Chuck Berry as Mr. Refinement-- a few months from The London Sessions and Mr. Raunch.
