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Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Simple Twist of Fate

Because of this blog, and a Sacramento Archivist, I know that it was 40 years ago this evening that I first saw Chuck Berry.  Only close, longtime friends and family can know what a life changing event this was for me.  It would have been easy not to have gone-- and then who knows if it ever would have clicked in quite the same way?

1 comment:

  1. Peter, Chuck's song writing, recordings and images caught by motion cameras are all nuggets of gold but as you know first hand witnessing him perform live in person is like gazing upon The Golden Jubilee Diamond itself...I first saw Chuck live in August of 2002 he was just shy of 76 years young and his performance blew me away. A CB Concert from the early 1970's? Call the paramedics - I would need oxygen!!!
    By the way - Happy Anniversary!!
    CB Forum ID - Busseybootlegger
