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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blues 101 by Robert Lohr

Bob Lohr is always ready to advance my musical education.  Check the comments to the story about Lohr's records below and you'll find names of other folks that Bob Lohr has recorded with.  One he mentions is drummer Sam Carr, who Bob describes as one of the best performers of the "delta shuffle."  Here he is playing with Frank Frost on a version of "Big Boss Man" from 1962.

Here you can see him at work (but not working very hard!  Mainly smiling.)

And here's Arthur Williams, also mentioned by Bob. 

1 comment:

  1. Pete:

    You might get a kick out of this trailer shot in Helena/Clarksdale...has three cats I've played with featured: Sam Carr, Willie "Big Eyes" Smith and Big Jack Johnson:
