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Monday, April 19, 2010

Mindin' Stefano's Business

In a comment on my posting about family and privacy, Stefano, from London, mentioned the Chuck Berry song "It's My Own Business." 

Here's a link Dave Edmunds doing it.

Here's a group called the Boogie Ramblers doing an energetic version.  (Stefano, if this is their facebook link, sono tutti italiani!)

And here are the lyrics:

I am tired of you telling me what I ought to do
Stickin' your nose in my business and it don't concern you
It's my own business.  It's my own business.
Seems like the ones that want to tell you
They don't ever know as much as you

If I go buy a Cadillac convertible coupe
And all I got at home to eat is just onion soup
It's my own business.  It's my own business.
If I would rather ride around
In my own Cadillac convertible coupe

If I's a dignitary on Capitol Hill
And up and married me a waitress in a hot dog grill
It's my own business, it's my own business
Because I am not a juvenile
And I can go out at my own free will

After workin' on my job and then drawin' my pay
If I want to go out and have a ball and throw it all away
It's my own business, it's my own business
'Cause I don't wait until tomorrow
To do something I could do today

He might have added that if he was a rock star and wanted to give a girl a job at his club, etc.  But the song comes from a long line of American Blues and Country songs.  Here's the wikipedia on "Ain't Nobody's Business if I Do," a song from the 1920s.  And here's the great Freddie King playing it:

(Yes, Freddie, I can feel it!)

Hank Williams wrote a good version, too.  This is a terrible video, but a great song, so who cares.

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