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Sunday, March 28, 2010

People's Television: Three Generations, Chasing that Remarkable Girl

Here's a sweet version of "Nadine" from Chuck Berry's show last night at the Pageant in St. Louis (one of her biggest fans was there to hear it) with a solo by "Junior"-- Chuck Berry's grandson.  The middle Berrry, Charles, Jr., is playing rhythm and giving the thumbs up. 

As they say on real television-- stay tuned!


  1. Peter,
    Chuck was taking request's and I holler'd NADINE!! Chuck smiled and turned back and looked at CBII and they both was grinnin' like they was up to somethin' Man was they... Chuck started the song and sang the first two verses like usual. Then came the suprise they had in store for us - CBIII steps up and is absolutley shredding the guitar on the solo, I mean he's rippin' it!! If there was any question about the state of Rock and Roll in the future, CBIII just answered it. This 3rd generation Berry is a Rocker!! Grandpa and Papa have taught him well...And yes that's me in the video hoopin' and hollerin'taking the picture and giving the thumbs up. CBII looks right at me smiles and nods his head yes - saying Yeah, the kids got it!!

    Doug - CB Forum ID - Busseybootlegger

  2. One of the amazing things about Chuck Berry is that you can make that connection. How many die hard Rolling Stones fans get to be in the first row and influence the course of a show? Cause Mick to smile? And anyway, there's no comparison. One invented the other. But a fan of the real deal can sometimes cause three generations of Berrys to launch into that neverending quest. And Nadine really is worth it. Maybellene? She seemed like a pill. But Nadine? I see long, dark legs striding up ahead and out of reach; and then a high heel disappearing into the door of a yellow cab. Or the C.C. Cadillac. But dang she's hard to get!
