My "Book!" (Read it here for free!)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I was a guest recently on the wonderful podcast Autistic Tidbits and Tangents, where I got to talk, just a bit, about my interest in Chuck Berry.

Peter O’Neil is the author of My So-Called Disorder: Autism, Exploding Trucks, and the Big Daddy of Rock and Roll.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Загадка (A Mystery!)

The other day I came home to the strangest package I have ever received--a package with a thousand stamps!

A package from Russia! From someone I don't know!

The package was very light. At first I thought it contained a used Chuck Berry CD I had recently purchased-- From St. Louie to Frisco.

Nope-- but I was on the right track. Opening the package was a delicate operation. Two pieces a foam, and in between them a sort of sheer plastic envelope. And inside that-- a soviet era record sleeve.

But no record! Or so I thought. Instead of a record I found the X-rays of two healthy looking hands.

I "crowd" sourced this on Facebook. "Look what I received!" And it was Chuck Berry friend Carmelo Genovese (Read About Him HERE) who sent me a YouTube that explained things.

And sure enough, you can see that the two hands look like the hands of a DJ manipulating a record!

And not just any record--a Chuck Berry record! You Never Can Tell! You can see Chuck's name in this shot if you look closely near the thumbs.

My greatest thanks to whoever sent this! There is a return address. It might take a while to find something anywhere near as cool, but it will arrive there someday!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

My So-Called Disorder On Sale Now

If you like this blog I encourage you to buy a copy of my book My So-Called Disorder: Autism, Exploding Trucks, and the Big Daddy of Rock and Roll, available now on Amazon and other online retailers. The back cover tells you a lot about it, and includes a testimonial from Chuck Berry scholar Fred Rothwell, author of Long Distance Information--Chuck Berry's Recorded Legacy.

You've probably seen television shows where the autistic kid knows all about bugs or the Antarctic. For me when I was fourteen, it was Chuck Berry. And we're talking more than 50 years ago, long before the internet, and 50 years before I knew I was autistic.

Spoiler alert: the book features stories and material you may have read here. But it also tells how I used my autistic ability to form "special interests" into a successful career on my own, somewhat odd and flexible terms.

If you happen to be autistic, or if you love or work with someone who is, it might be interesting and worth a read.

And I'll sell it to you for fifty thousand dollars! (the low, low price of $19.95!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Chuck Berry: A Great American Artist's Life


    I finally read my copy of Chuck Berry: An American Life. I wasn’t in a rush. There were other books above it in the pile, and when you get down to it, I know as much as any outsider can know about this particular American life. (That’s autism for you.) What I appreciate about the book, I suppose, is that the author, RJ Smith, recognizes the greatness and the complexity of the man. What I appreciate less is having to follow the same old same old path, and then to learn one or two things too many about that life. The great lawyer Bryan Stevenson, who represents death row inmates, has said, “Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.” I believe that. And I know that Chuck Berry is a million times more than the tawdriest things he ever did. So why tell them, especially when they were private and consensual?      

On the other hand, this is the first book to reveal to me what a terrible driver he was, so there’s that. Who would have thought the man who wrote so eloquently about cars would be so incompetent at driving them. Even Blueberry Hill’s Joe Edwards tells a tale of going the wrong way on a Los Angeles freeway at 70 mph?

And the book makes an attempt to answer every alleged scandal and alleged tawdriness or nastiness with some sort of reminder that Chuck Berry faced a host of difficulties and injustices during his long life.

But what his long life and his incredible body of work actually deserve is a celebration, pure and simple.

Once I bought volume one of a gigantic biography of Elvis Presley. I couldn’t actually read it but I skipped through and read parts. And I was surprised to find a paragraph about young Elvis spying on young women changing into their bathing suits at one of his homes. There was a lens built into the room that Elvis evidently used.

This never became a part of Elvis’s legend—it was just a paragraph in a book the size of Game of Thrones or War and Peace.

But the tawdry crap has become the be all and end all of the Chuck Berry story. I wonder why? I wonder why the difference?

On a personal note it appears Mr. Smith stole something from this blog and never credited it among the copious footnotes. I will go out on a limb and say there’s no way Smith figured out that young Chuck was observing an eclipse of the Sun in 1938. He took that from this blog. Once upon a time Peter K. of Sweden sent me a wonderful photo of young Chuck using a telescope in broad daylight. I figured out he was observing the sun. Peter K. went farther and found two eclipses in St. Louis when Chuck was twelve. And the lovely Rebecca did some American history and practical math with Chuck and CBII to determine the year (more or less!) That merited a footnote. I mean, whole pages were wasted on whether the ding-a-ling belonged to Charles or Dave.

So if you’re looking for the best in Chuck Berry writing, look no further. It’s right here. Original. And free.

        And if you're looking for Chuck himself, spin a record. It's right there, original, and free.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

My So-Called Disorder

In a few weeks you will be able to find my book, "My So-Called Disorder: Autism, Exploding Trucks, and the Big Daddy of Rock and Roll," online at sites like Amazon, or by ordering it at your local bookshop. I'm more than a little proud.

If you ever thought my interest in Chuck Berry was oddly intense, it's because, like me, you didn't know that I am autistic. But last year, around this time, I learned that I am, and suddenly my whole life made sense.

I've had a life of very intense interests, both personal and professional. And now I know why.

And I'll be telling you all about it. In the book. Available March 20, 2023, wherever truly fine books are sold. 

And that Big Daddy of Rock and Roll (that rubber legged guy?) does play a role.

Talk soon!